Phono preamplifiers

Recommendation: Top Performance at Timelapse Speed

Any HiFi component, be it tube or solid state, requires a certain break-in period. Our own phono stages, Natalija and Sabine, take up to 300 hours in regular use to reach optimal performance.
For customers who wish to enjoy their favorite music as quickly as possible, we have an elegant and affordable solution: Omnitronic 10355042 LH-042 Line/Phono Converter.
This little box converts line level signals from, for instance, a CD player to phono signals. Simply connect Omnitronic output to phono stage input, CD player to repeat mode, and rather than several weeks or even months your Rike Audio phono stage will be on absolute top form in just a couple of days.
The Omnitronic 10355042 LH-042 Line/Phono Converter can be ordered for under €25 from Amazon and many other online sources.

Phono preamplifiers • Rike Audio

